Ham Radio Deluxe

Ham Radio Deluxe

If you are from the UK, you may consult M0HIZ for questions about the exam process as this Instructable is structured around the US process of licensing. Operators of ham radios number in the millions, which means you can potentially get in contact with people from numerous geographic locations using radios such as the Icom ID-51A , the Kenwood TH-F6A or the Ranger RCI-2950DX You can easily network with individuals from a few miles away to more than 100 depending on your ability to leverage repeaters and stronger output power signals.

If amateur radio operators are stationed at the City’s EmergencyOperationsCenter or an Incident Command Post, they could assist in passing neighborhood-specific information from responder agencies to neighborhood-based Hams, likely through an intermediate network set up for inter-area communications using Amateur repeaters or the ionospheric mirror” to get over the hills.

While others have their own version; according to them during the earlier days of radio communication, government stepped in to conquer short-waves and allowed the radio amateurs to operate only on certain frequencies ; thus the frequencies of amateur radio stations were sandwiched like a ‘ham sandwich’ and so amateur radio operator came to be called a ‘ham’.

Without the fantastic people who volunteer time and donate money and equipment to our Organization we would not be able to help as much as we do. Not only do we send equipment to Veterans across our great Nation we serve our Veterans here locally around the Houston Texas area with everything from Study groups and helping our Veterans find testing locations to installing antennas and repairing equipment.

Fast scan amateur television has gained popularity as hobbyists adapt inexpensive consumer video electronics like camcorders and video cards in PCs Because of the wide bandwidth and stable signals required, amateur television is typically found in the 70 cm (420-450 MHz) frequency range, though there is also limited use on 33 cm (902-928 MHz), 23 cm (1240-1300 MHz) and higher.

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